benefits of sleeping nude

The benefits of sleeping nude. Better sleep, skin & health.

The benefits of sleeping nude are quite obvious to me, I have been sleeping naked forever and it’s the only way to go for me. Once you get used to it, you will love it and there is no turning back. In no way are you gonna sleep with clothes on ever again because it just feels more natural. And it makes sense. I mean, ask yourself, who, in the history of the world, was born with their socks on? Nobody, and therefore being naked is our true natural state. And, unless you don’t have a cover or blanket, there is absolutely no reason for you to keep your clothes on. Now, me telling you that you should make sleeping naked part of your self-care routine prolly doesn’t mean much but maybe some scientific evidence on the health benefits might change your mind. There have been numerous studies on the subject of sleeping naked, and I’m gonna give you a nice little rundown of what I found and kinda already knew.

Why should sleep naked and the science behind it

Studies have shown that sleeping naked, stabilizes your core body temperature at its natural levels, improving deep sleep length and quality. Another study showed that sleeping naked lowered your cortisol levels which lowers stress levels for improved sleep and better overall health. Yet, another benefit is better and healthier skin and better genital hygiene. Sleeping naked gives the skin the opportunity to breath and better repair itself. And the list goes on from a lower risk of type 2 diabetes to a better heart to removing toxic proteins from your brain. Last but not the least of the benefits of sleeping nude is, that when you and your partner are in the mood, you can get straight to it without any distractions

Daniel Florian

The Bitter Truth Blog