I had an acne problem most of my life and tried everything to get rid of it. Creams, peels, prescriptions to exercise, and changes in diet. Creams, peels, and any topical prescription drug, it’s all BS because you’re approaching the problem from the wrong angle. As I sometimes like to say, some things I do not need an expert for because they’re common sense. Acne is not the result of outside forces but it’s a mechanism by our body to push something out. That is why in my opinion topical relief is only that, a temporary relief that doesn’t address the root cause.
Exercise and eating habits do contribute to a healthier look, but just as it is with acne creams it doesn’t address the real culprit.
Bitter Taste, Sweet Life!
This is the BITTERADE slogan and the answer to your question, how to get rid of acne. Do and consume the things that leave a bitter taste in your mouth and in return live a happy life. Or do and consume the sweet things in life and as a consequence live a bitter life. With a face full of pimples that nobody wanna kiss, if I may add.
The Real Culprit
My acne never fully disappeared until I cut sugar out of my diet and went the opposite way and consumed as many bitter things as possible. Trust me, it’s that simple. I’m not a scientist and wouldn’t be able to explain and break down why, but I am telling you it works.
Sugar substitutes are no good either. If you wanna trade acne for brain decay then Aspartame is the one for you. Monk fruit has given me a sugar-high-like feeling with a good old burnout feeling afterward, which even if it’s a placebo effect, actually because it’s a placebo effect might bring out the same skin reaction. Stress also contributes to acne, and every sugar high and low is a small stress on your system, so I say stay away from all artificial or natural sweeteners. Honey is probably the best substitute because it has other health benefits but it’s still sugar and will make your skin break out if used on a regular basis.
To make a long story short, if you’re trying to find a way to still sweeten everything up because you can’t let go of sugar, then you’re totally missing the point altogether. Just choose. Sugar and a face full of gross breakouts to a point where people don’t wanna look you straight in the face because they might vomit. Or, smooth glowing skin so beautiful and yummy that anybody just wanna give you a kiss! It’s your choice. When you’re ready to say goodbye to all that sweet stuff and only consider it a rare and occasional treat, then you will get rid of your acne and see your skin clear up.
Check out my article on the dangers of sugar and see what it does to your temple.
And if you don’t want to let go of sugar, chemicals, and poisons, then work on your confidence. With enough confidence, you won’t give a f what your face looks like lol. Read my article on this subject called “How to be more confident“.
How to treat your skin right
Once you have cleaned the inside of your temple of the toxic sugar, make sure you do not irritate or poison your skin from the outside. Don’t use any store-shelf lotions or body oils unless they’re 100% additives, chemicals, and preservatives free. Again, use your common sense. In order for a product to have a long shelf life they have to be loaded with preservatives which your body will reject and try to get rid of somehow eventually. So why put chemicals on your skin in the first place smh? The best body oils are always free of additives, chemicals & preservatives.
Daniel Florian