Buy the Bitter Pill and get the sex drive of Genghis Khan overnight!! No lol, I am just playing, we keep it real over here. There is no magic pill to get your Royal Highness to stand tall and proud naturally. And, the word “naturally” is key here because there are prescription drugs that will get you ready for a quick session if you’re ready for some side effects and like to time your intimacy. But If you want the real thing, then keep reading because I have been there and I know what it takes to get back to a place where your woman says “That’s enough, I can’t take it anymore, I need a break”. Supplements like my Bitter Pill are only meant to be a small, yet essential part of how to get your morning wood back. It’s much more about a total commitment to change your current lifestyle if you want to say goodbye to ED. I have no clue what your current lifestyle is, but you wouldn’t be looking for solutions if everything was fine.
ED, how to correct it
I believe there are 2 main factors, confidence and lifestyle. All the confidence is not gonna help you stay nice and hard if snort lines all day and party all night, and a perfect lifestyle is not gonna do it either if you’re scared of life. You don’t need to be a straight arrow on your lifestyle either, nor do you need courage like Mike Tyson to get it back up, just find your sweet spot which makes you feel good and proud of yourself.
If you lack confidence, then that is what you will have to focus on regaining first. You will get your confidence through physical exercise, knowledge of self, and knowing what a good woman really wants.
Go through all my posts and add whatever works for you to your life. I have been there, I have been bullied, was addicted to hard drugs, had problems getting it up, and I went from a nerd to confidence and everything I write about comes from my heart and I hope it helps others.
For some confidence tips read my article titled “How to be more confident“.
Physical Exercise
Exercise is obviously important to get your groove back, and any exercise is good and a confidence builder but if the main goal is playboy confidence and a functioning dick then your exercise routines should reflect that and target your genital area. When doing any exercise, try to focus on doing it with your dick and midsection, I know it sounds silly but I am dead serious. A plank can be held with a focus on chest muscles, abdominal muscles, genital area, or thigh muscles. ALWAYS try to hold the plank by tightening your butt and your mind keeping focus on your inner thigh muscles and dick area. And that is how it is with all exercises, focus on the target muscle groups.
No gym exercises
- Planks
- Squats
- Stretches
Most important exercise when it comes to powering up your Royal Highness. Stretch anything in your hip, thigh, and core area. Stretching is the most important thing for free blood flow. The looser your midsection, the harder your erections will be. The best place to stretch is in a jacuzzi, pool, steam room, or sauna. Stretch for a split.
Gym exercises
- All of the above
- Recumbent bike
The recumbent Stationary bike has you peddling with your feet in front of you, slightly raised for better bodyweight distribution and free flow of blood in your genital area. After riding for a lil while, increase the peddling resistance to as high as you can. You can focus on your genital area better while peddling on high and slow. Pedal with the knees outward like an o-legged position for a while and then turn the knees inward like an X and pedal like that for a while, and so on switch back and forth. Changing your knee position back and forth stretches and opens up your hips for even better blood flow, and it changes the focus of the power source and you always want to try to power the pedals from your dick, to create stronger mind-body reflexes.
Do not ride a regular stationary bike unless it has a custom seat with a center groove! Stationary bikes do the opposite for your recovery, they make it worse because of the whole upper body weight pressing down on your genital area restricting blood flow and nervous system functions.
- Abduction machine
- The dick machine, as I call it! By far my favorite machine because it really does wonders for your Royal Highness.
- Adduction machine
- Abduction machine
The dick machine, as I call it! By far my favorite machine because it really does wonders for your Royal Highness. - Adduction machine
I call this one the booty machine but you can focus this workout on the inside thigh muscle and your genital area as well. Never forget, that your mind instructs the body which muscles to use to move a machine. Just because your outside thigh muscles and booty automatically activate for the adduction machine doesn’t mean those are the muscles you will use. make your mind move it with the inside thigh muscles and your Royal Highness - Royal Highness maintenanceIt’s funny how people talk about getting a full-body workout in. In my opinion, you shouldn’t call it that unless you include lil man into the equation. What, who said your dick doesn’t deserve a workout? And when it comes to dick maintenance I suggest jelquing, massaging, and stretching at least 4 days a week, and for that I do have to recommend my Bitter Oil because it was originally intended for your Royal Highness.
Knowledge of self
knowing yourself and being true to yourself is another aspect of gaining authentic confidence. Be true to yourself and never try to be someone else, you don’t have to. You will become the person that you aim to be if you put in the work, no need to pretend. Being true to yourself is a sought-after quality by women, don’t ruin it. This whole blog is dedicated to self-love and you can start with my article on self-care.
Knowledge of women
Pornography, social media, and the internet have distorted the truth about who women are and what they want. You gonna have to forget a lot of stereotypes and have newfound respect for the ladies, if you want to be respected as a gentleman and a lover. If you want a woman’s heart then strive to be exactly that. I made a more detailed article titled “Women & what makes them fall in love“.
ED Lifestyle changes
Part of your new lifestyle is your new fitness and wellness regimen discussed above as well as other self-care routines. Again this blog is a source for different methods of improving yourself.
The other big part is the diet, the fuel you power your vehicle with. What you put in, you will get out. Don’t expect to ever be Casanova when your favorite meal is a double quarter pounder with cheese, bacon & extra mayo with Chilli cheese fries, and a root beer float smh (I’m about to gag from writing this lol). Not saying you can’t have burgers, but you have to make ’em right. I am a big burger fan, read my article on healthy food including a healthy burger recipe, and don’t panic it’s real beef!
You do have to understand that your diet plays a major role in how successful you will be in your recovery. We all know the healthy foods, there is no shortage of information, the net is saturated with great info, so I’m not about to start listing all the good foods. But I can give you this very simple advice that has worked for me. Consume the foods highest in L-Argenine. For example, Turkey breast has the highest concentration of L-Arginine among meat, so it should always be your first choice. Almonds are highest among nuts…..I think you get the picture.
Shakes & Smoothies
Drink lots of healthy shakes, perfect recipe here.
Staple snacks
(always look for organic when possible)
- Turkey jerky
- Salt-free Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios
- Watermelon
- Coconut water
- Bananas
snack on that all day and be ready to go all night.
Daniel Florian