![Happiness. How to be happy in an authentic way.](https://bitterade.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/happiness-1024x227.jpg)
Is Happiness in the eyes of the beholder?
Happiness is Happiness, just like a stone is a stone. Some might confuse a dopamine high with happiness but that it can’t be because it requires an outside influence. True Happiness comes from within and doesn’t require anything but the basics to live. Besides the basics, food, and shelter, the ingestion of substances or foods, the possession of physical objects, or the control over someone or something will not bring you an authentic feeling of happiness. True Happiness comes from within and doesn’t require an outside source, with one exception, and that would be love. the people that you love in your life. Love is the highest spiritual level which automatically covers happiness.
True Happiness, what is & how to receive it
Imo, authentic & lasting happiness is the result of gratitude and being content with the basics.
First of all, we have to understand what gratitude is. One can be grateful for a lot of things in life, a new car, a girlfriend, a new job…..so, it’s safe to say that gratitude comes on many levels. But can you be really grateful for a 2nd car? I believe gratitude starts with the necessities of life and everything else is just extra.
The basics one needs to live life are good health, food, water, and shelter. Once you truly comprehend the value of the basics and appreciate them, a level of content and gratitude should develop inside your heart, which will turn into happiness. I don’t like saying what I’m about to say but stop for a second and understand that there are people in this world who were born street orphans and right now as I write this, one of those orphan street kids is inside a trash dump looking for food. How dare you complain about your life!
How to be happy & grateful if you don’t have anything.
To be quite honest, I can’t speak of that situation because I have never been there and I do not believe that one is supposed to be happy without having food in their stomachs and a safe place to sleep. Earth was created to provide for all of us, it’s not the fault of the creator that we’re too stupid to share stuff.
At the worst time in my life, I was hopelessly addicted to cocaine, sleeping in the car and I was at my end. I told God, to kill me or heal me, and a short while after that, I luckily got a place in a rehab where I learned to be grateful and happy again. Today I am so happy and grateful for the strength within me to overcome hard times.
So, even though I might not have experienced absolute homelessness, when I hit MY rock-bottom, the only thing left to find purpose and happiness again was to go outside the physical and ask for help on a spiritual level. Call it God, the Universe, Angels, or whatever, in my opinion just like with everything else there are 2 sides to complete a whole, and life itself is the physical world and the spiritual world. I’m not here to preach stuff and convert you to believing stuff, I’m just telling you what helped me in a situation where everything else has failed.
How to make this planet a happier world
Take the initiative and spread happiness, the energies you put out into this universe, are the ones you will receive back. One thing that is part of any human’s feelings about themselves is how they are treated by others. And even though that should NOT dictate how you feel about yourself it still does because we are the human family. Everyone wants to be part of it, be acknowledged, respected, and loved, and you have the power to let your fellow humans know they are being recognized and cherished.
Why this is important.
Have you ever had a bad day and then encountered a super happy and nice person and it makes you feel good knowing that there are good people out there? That is why we have to let people know especially the ones who seem unhappy or lonely, that someone notices and respects their existence.
That person will take the conversation home and analyze it later and maybe make that person more grateful and therefore happy. Sometimes some of us just need a lil reminder of how blessed we are to have a job, friends, and a weekend to have fun.
Daniel Florian