![The Butterfly Effect](https://bitterade.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/butterfly-effect-1024x213.jpg)
The butterfly effect is an extreme example of cause and effect, and how the tiniest action has a ripple effect that echoes around the globe. I don’t particularly like this example because it’s a lil silly and incorrect to think that the flap of the butterfly wing would create a typhoon chain reaction. But it does in a cartoonish way illustrate cause and effect. A more realistic example would be a butterfly sitting on a flower flapping its wings, creating a cloud of pollen that irritates the squirrel which drops its acorn, which cracks the windshield of this woman who later marries the cop who gave her the cracked windshield ticket.
Now, that would be the fairytale cause and effect, and naturally, all events can lead in the opposite direction as well. Everyday actions lead to reactions, consciously and subconsciously, but as humans, we have the ability to influence the world with specific intentions. We don’t drop acorns on windshields unless we want to. When we put positivity out we get back peace, when we put negativity out we submerge ourselves in chaos.
Be the beautiful butterfly every day
Just like the butterfly who flaps its wings to create a butterfly-effect-typhoon, we create waves every day too, sound waves by what we say and waves in the physical world by the way we move and affect things and people.
A simple “Hi” or wave of your hand is in a sense the same thing. which is you sending out a tiny wave of love, like the tiny flap of the butterfly wings.
Make an effort to be nice, it doesn’t cost you a dime to be friendly. A simple “Hi, how’s it going today?” is planting a positive seed in another human being, and it might grab on and establish roots, grow and one day pollinate another person. And you should target the ones that you usually do not interact with or the ones you would least expect to be talked to.
There are certain people in life that are just totally different than me, people of different races, nationalities, and beliefs or behaviors, and those are the ones that I make a special effort to show love because even though we’re different and I can’t stand you sometimes, you’re still my brother or sister and we’re gonna have to live on this planet together. Let’s just keep it real.
If you’re a naturally confident person, then I’m calling on you to create butterfly effects and plant seeds in people’s hearts wherever you can. It’s up to us because most people are too scared to even look another person in the eyes and we need to change that. Let the lonely, misguided, and outcasts know that you still love and respect them, they will come around once they know that people do care for them. The negative weak loser energies are working overtime too, trying to divide and destroy, and it’s time to correct things.
“F a butterfly, don’t tell me how to act!”
For sure, if you like being an A-hole and spreading negativity then go ahead and do it. You and, I both know that when you’re by yourself, your consciousness will talk to you. You can ignore right from wrong until it destroys you from the inside out, the butterfly effect goes both ways. But the ultimate truth is and you know this within yourself, you want to be respected and loved, and so it is with everybody else on this planet.
Daniel Florian