![How to get up early. 4am is the name of the game](https://bitterade.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/how-to-get-up-early-1024x225.jpg)
Early bird gets the worm, que no?
How to get up early and why is the question and in this article I would like to answer those questions. Getting up at 4am has been a part of my wellness & self-care routine for years and It has me made a healthier, happier, and more accomplished person.
As I discussed in a previous article titled “Self-care, time to be selfish“, I always come first, and to make sure it is so, I shall get up at 4am. Certainly, I could do my self-care routine after work but then I would be putting my employer first and that ain’t happening. By the time you hit the snooze button at 6 so you can jerk off one more time, I’ve already hiked up a mountain, ran a mile, did 200 push-ups, and meditated for 15 minutes to hetch out my attack plan for the Matrix.
How to get up early and why you must do it
So you wanna know how to get up early? Set the alarm for 4am, and get your butt up when you hear the alarm go off, take a nice cold shower, pour yourself a cup of straight black coffee, put your gear on, and go work out. This is what I call “Bitter Taste, Sweet Life”. It sounds like a horrible and bitter way to start your day, but trust me you will feel sweet all day and nothing can stress you out because you’ve already been through a small hell at 4am.
Getting up early and working out is like a preemptive strike on stress and depression. Practicing some sort of self-care before you enter the Matrix will make the difference between night and day. Do what you need to do for yourself, work out, write a poem, meditate, or just have a cup of tea to some Chopin. You come first, the Matrix is second.
Morning wood energy
Guys, don’t let that morning wood energy end up in your socks smh, take it out on the pull-up bar instead! Why do you think we get morning wood? It’s your Chi awakening and rising literally lol! However, it’s your decision what to do with it, and if you’re smart you keep it in check, let it charge up, and even supercharge it by having a nice morning fitness routine. There will be a day when you have a woman next to you at 4am, and let’s just say you will be ready for her in a whole new way.
Morning wood energy
I believe we’re similar to plants. However, don’t take that as fact, it’s just my opinion. Plants raise their flowers and leaves and turn towards the sun when she comes out. In a similar way, don’t we all go outside on a sunny day, we smile and the sunshine makes us happy. So, getting up at the break of dawn is only natural.
“I don’t know how to get up early, I work too much”
That might be true but let’s talk about that So, I work between 10-14 hours a day, and here’s why you shouldn’t let that stop you from prioritizing yourself. I am the perfect case study for this scenario of being too busy. I still have the same schedule I had years ago when I wasn’t getting up to put myself first. On average my work schedule is from 7am-6pm, about 11 hours. Here is what happened before my 4am self-care routine.
I burned myself out, felt depressed every day, ate comfort food all day and it all came to a climax when I suffered a bad accident on my job which luckily resulted in mild injuries but could’ve cost me my life that day. And, I solely blame exhaustion from overworking which led to a lack of concentration which resulted in that incident. Not only can a tired mind get you injured, it might even cost you your job. If your solution is that I should work less then I can only tell you that I have to work those hours, it’s either a roof over my head or my Corolla, so that is not an option for me.
Better work performance and focus
Making the change and getting up at 4 to exercise is what changed everything for the good. It made me feel good, have more energy throughout the day, better and sharper focus, and endorphins lasting the whole day. I have always been a hustler and I can do 12 hours a day with no problem, but getting up at 4 for my routine made me much sharper, happier with coworkers, and twice as productive and I hadn’t even come close to getting any workplace injuries due to better concentration and focus.
Better and deeper sleep patterns
Once you get in the habit of a proper early morning self-care routine, you will develop a much better sleep pattern and deeper sleep which in turn gives you a much more intense muscle recovery, build and overall better health.
Early risers are healthier and live longer
“Morning people live longer than night owls” is the name of a study that compared early risers to the rest and a 6-year study confirmed that non-early risers had a 10% higher chance of death. Other research confirmed my own experience of having better mental clarity and substantially higher productivity. And of course, all the goodies that come with working out range from better vascular health with a decreased chance of heart disease, lower chance of developing diabetes, reduced of chance cancer, stronger healthier muscles, better reflexes, better mobility, and flexibility……I could go. Why and how to get up early should be answered by the health benefits alone.
Early bird gets the ladies
Women love a man who is on top of his game. You’re definitely not in that department if you’re playing with your weiner at 5:30 am while the competition is at the gym ravaging a heavy bag. Don’t complain about having problems meeting women when you’re sitting in the drive-through at 6am getting 2 sausage mcmuffins and chocolate, instead of knowing how to get up early to knock out a proper burpee routine smdh.
Daniel Florian