
Sheep, why being one is bad for your spirit.

I believe sheep behavior is detrimental to discovering your own self just by its nature and therefore should be avoided. How ironic is it that the word “sheep” singular is the same as many “sheep”? Just perfectly reinforcing the meaning of calling someone a sheep, there is no difference between one and the many, no difference between what they believe and what they think, and no difference in who they follow. In the animal kingdom, the sheep with the highest IQ leads the flock. And that is how it is, no questions asked, just follow the leader. Sounds and looks familiar? It should be because some humans behave similarly.


But to be absolutely clear and In defense of sheep, if one is happy and content with being one, and if the head sheep is out for the benefit of all, who am I to judge?


I used to be a sheep, and had memberships in a variety of herds. My first membership was in a neighborhood herd which consisted of immature and insecure young sheep who felt strong together, I was a sheep once in a herd led by a famous athlete, I used to run with a herd that only similar-looking sheep could get membership in and many in between. All those experiences were fun and educational but it always took away from finding out about my true self. On top of not only straying off my path and finding my way back, it also takes years of unlearned behaviors of other sheep that have rubbed off on you. However, I will never consider my sheeping around as a waste of time even if it might seem like it. I would rather call it a lesson as everything in life is, and you either ace it or be stuck on it until you learn. And,l I feel like I passed and graduated because I no longer depend on fellow sheep to give me purpose and identity. I am now free to learn about, improve on, and perfect myself. 


Daniel Florian

The Bitter Truth Blog