Why grounding is not only important but essential.
The day you show me a human being born with shoes on their feet will be the day that I will stop recommending grounding. I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I see a nice plot of green grass without dog doo-doo, I can’t get my stompers off quick enough to get back into my natural state and stand on truly familiar ground. Grounding is as necessary as your recommended periodic oil change. Just like an engine, your body vehicle needs to drain itself from the negative energies of the Matrix and rejuvenate itself with purified ones of nature.
And the easiest way to do that is to remove your shoes, reconnect, and let Mother Earth handle the rest. As the title suggests, grounding is essential. Even though shoes indeed are a necessary part of life, most people forget that it’s not our natural and healthy state. Even if you take your shoes off at home, you most likely are in contact with a manufactured and dead surface when it comes to biological structure.
But we are live biological beings and we need to connect to live ground like earth or grass. To me grounding or taking off your shoes and socks always had been just something I just had to do whenever there was a chance because it made me happy, it made me feel good, it relieved me of stress and I believe grounding has to be a part of anyone’s self-care & wellness routine. Working on this blog I first read about actual studies confirming the things I always instinctively knew, and I summarized 2 of them here for you guys.
But we are live biological beings and we need to connect to live ground like earth or grass. To me grounding or taking off your shoes and socks always had been just something I just had to do whenever there was a chance because it made me happy, it made me feel good, it relieved me of stress and I believe grounding has to be a part of anyone’s self-care & wellness routine. Working on this blog I first read about actual studies confirming the things I always instinctively knew, and I summarized 2 of them here for you guys.
Benefits of grounding
- The best way to reduce stress and depression
- Increase in immune system functionality
- Balanced cortisol levels
- Better and deeper sleep patterns
- Eyesight stabilization
- Better stability and balance
Earth grounding facts
Results of studies have shown that grounding (skin-to-earth surface contact) reduces blood viscosity, accelerates the healing of injuries, and reduces inflammation. Additional benefits of grounding are increased heart variabilities, reduced pain, and a shift in the autonomic nervous system toward parasympathetic activation.
- In a study of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), grounding changed the white blood cell count lowering the levels of circulating lymphocytes and neutrophils. This is the indicator showing that grounding repairs tissue damage much faster.
- Antioxidant bilirubin decreases less in subjects when grounded. This is an indicator showing that electrons are protecting tissue from oxidative damage.
- Subjects suffering from DOMS experienced lower muscle damage per creatine kinase markers.
- Reactive oxygen species neutralizing electrons access affected tissue via the extracellular matrix which connects the earth to the body.
check out my articles on ocean grounding and quartz grounding.
Daniel Florian