![Some things are not up for debate](https://bitterade.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Bitterade-Matrix-Mondays-Plastic-Pollution-1024x307.jpg)
Some things are not up for debate
You know how people have the climate change debate? Is it real or not? To that, I only have to say who cares if climate change is real or not? Shouldn’t we take care of our living environment anyway? Moreover, maybe make it even a first priority because, without a healthy planet, nothing matters much, duh, smh. It really seems to amaze me how keeping the environment clean is even a thing to debate. Additionally, I really do not need any studies to make me understand that when you release poisons in the air or toss toxic waste in a stream, it is probably not a good thing. And the same goes for regular trash and especially plastic.
This is why I stress that having a clean environment is necessary, in order for you to practice proper self-care. The planet provides the water, nutrients, and shelter for you to embark on your journey. Above all, the quality of our water, air, and food is not something that should even be considered to be up for discussion. For example, look at the picture above. It is a small snapshot of a bigger problem and that is plastic trash ending up in the ocean. There is currently a collection of plastic in the Pacific Ocean bigger than the state of Texas brought together by ocean currents. REALLY??!! Look, I don’t care on what side of the spectrum you’re on politically or whatever other beliefs and lifestyles might differentiate us from each other, but I think we can agree on one thing. This needs to stop, ASAP!!
What YOU can do
First of all, let the image of plastic trash bigger than the size of Texas really sink in. Second, understand that you do not have to directly throw plastic into the ocean for it to accumulate there, it starts at any trash can and ends in the ocean for various and complicated reasons. Plastic pollution is generally known to be somewhat of a problem but when you really sit back and contemplate on the true size then it hits home a little more. I mean, there are fish in there which we consume and a nice beach vacation is a nice thing as well, right? So what can you do?
Just start avoiding plastic anywhere possible, not only for environmental reasons but for your own health benefits as well as I will discuss in a future blog. Bring it to an establishment’s attention if they still use plastic in situations where it’s not necessary. And if they don’t want to make a change, take your business to a place that does care. Vote with your $$$.
Here are some things establishments can do to improve our environment:
- Coffee & beverage refills: patronize businesses that will let you refill your own cup. I mean, seriously imagine all the cups and lids that end up in the trash every day and it can be 100% avoided. Sidenote encouragement: drinking from any establishment cup is bad for your health because of the chemical linings inside the cup which seep into your drink on a microscopic level. Enjoy!!
- Glass bottled water: try to buy bottled water in glass bottles. I know there are 50 plastic bottled water manufacturers to one that sells water in glass bottles but they DO exist. Again, you are letting the business know what you want and they will adjust according to what most of their customers prefer. So let’s let them know!
- Silverware: always have a set of silverware with you that way you avoid the plastic utensils that end up in the trash 10 minutes later for no reason. Again, it is also healthier to eat with your own stainless steel or precious metal utensils than to ingest microplastics.
- STOP double-bagging stuff like an idiot when it’s not necessary. Do you really need to double-bag a 1-liter soda smh?
- Don’t get a plastic bag for 1 or 2 items, when you could just carry it, seriously.
- Encourage establishments to get rid of all bags, paper, or plastic. People will bring their own. I have seen in done in other countries and it’s an absolute no-brainer. Do you really think people will stop shopping for groceries just because bags are not at the checkout? No, they won’t, after getting upset for 1 day, bringing your own bag just becomes a normal thing. Certain industries keep putting out that lie that it’s such a complicated issue but it’s not. Just get rid of them, people will bring their own bags. Problem solved
Daniel Florian