BITTERADE – Bitter Taste, Sweet Life!

BITTERADE – Bitter Taste, Sweet Life!

The Beginning

It all started in April of 2023. Visiting my mother and looking back at the changes I have gone through over the last decades. Over 25 years of cigarettes, weed, alcohol, cocaine, mushrooms, LSD, and heroin. It’s been 10 years since I last touched hard drugs and I am still here, grateful to no end, happier than ever, and feeling better than I ever have. There is an intense feeling of pride, accompanied by a feeling of sadness looking back at my lost and weak self, and what I had to go through to find myself again. It’s not easy getting up early at 4 am to work out but it sets the tone for the day. Ending your shower cold for 3 minutes straight every day is a bitch but it does wonders for your mind, body, and spirit. Cutting out sugar is a bummer, but you will be healthier than ever. And that is when it dawned on me. If sugar makes you sick, shouldn’t the opposite make you healthy? The opposite of sweet is bitter, like the bitter black coffee that I have been consuming for years now, the bitter root&herb powders that I had been introducing to my diet, and last but not least, the before mentioned bitter lifestyle changes I had incorporated into my life to become a better version of myself.

Blog posts are written by myself or a real human, occasionally assisted by AI for lists, summaries and study results. Post containing AI assist will have the following message below post banner image: (Research for this article was done with the assistance of AI). Ad Characters and ads are created and edited by myself. 


Bitter Taste, Sweet Life. Do and consume the things that leave a bitter taste in your mouth and in return live a sweeter life.

Daniel Florian

Daniel Florian Bitterade CEO
The Bitter Truth Blog